Last night we had parent teacher conference at my daughter's school, she's in 7th grade. She did good all A's &B's. Now I'm not one to brag about my kids, cause it took alot of blood, sweat, and tears for her to achieve those grades. Not every child is built to be a genius and just excel in everything. I hate those parents who come to this events and ask the same question. How was your child's report card? None of your bizzness is what I want to say, but I always reply with the same answer "It was good", and I leave it at that. But you get some parents who are like, "Oh my son/daughter's report was great, he/she is an honor student, the teacher's all love him/her. Like please give me a break!!!! Your child is really no better than the next kid. My husband and I always try to tell our kids to their best and you will succeed at anything you put your heart into.