

Summer Camp!

Why is summer camp so freaking expensive! I mean really some of these places are charging like half a mortgage per week per kid. And they make it sound real nice too, some of them have pics of kids on the front of the brochure doing all this cool stuff, like volleyball, soccer, swimming,but when it starts, your kid comes home everyday like "we made popsicle stick houses all day, and watched a movie"(YAY!!). Come on, seriously this is stuff they could do at grandmoms house for free, but instead of watching movies, you get to see grandmom's soap opera's and Oprah!!



Standardized Tests Suckie!

Most student's score proficient or basic on a standardized test given by whichever state the student attends school in. In some cases the material on the test has never been taught to the student. So why is it that a student who repeatedly makes honor roll, have to attend summer school.Why should some stupid test that a child didn't have time to prepare for determine what type of student you are. That's why I should home school my kids(sike!)

Now call me cheap if you want to, but I have been digging on Mcdonald's coffee for like a month and a half. It's like a dollar for a medium, and it's pretty darn good. I pay like close to $4 for a grande(medium) at starbucks or one of the little swanky coffee spots, and sometime it's not all that great, and besides that it's too strong some days and you feel like your running on speed til like noon. I already have enough anxiety on a daily basis, on my own, I don't need anything extra to add to that.



I love, love, love TV. I have been trying to keep up with the show Brother's & Sister's(ABC) and Ghost Whisperer(CBS I think) so I joined netflix so that I could watch the first couple of season's since both shows have been on since forever. But I have been so busy(what else is new) that I haven't even been able to watch them. My point is why do people waste so much money!!

Why is it no matter how many times you tell your children that they won't get into trouble if they tell the truth,they still turn around and lie to your face anyway, and then when they get caught, they say "what did I do"..UGH!that irks me. My teenage daughter thinks I'm an idiot. GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!



Ok, so what have I been up to. Let's see, princess & the baby have both joined a tennis clinic to learn how to play the sport, that's going ok I guess. The baby turned 7 (YAY!!) and he is still up my a@#(just like his father is with his mother). I hosted a sleepover w/ my son and three nephews this Sat. Let me tell ya, boys are a danger to themselves and everyone around them (lol). When princess used to have sleepovers, we played dress-up and ate pizza all night! My husband and I are getting along, not every day but most days we like each other. I so can't wait for school to be over, I know school is where they learn, but sometimes they ask questions or say stuff and I'm like wtf!!! I don't remember go ask your father. to ya soon!!
