

okay so this morning we were running late as usual cause my husband slept on the wrong side of the bed, and overslept. It's always his fault, cause he needs to be up on time since he is the first one to leave in the morning. Wouldn't you all agree? So anyway I'm telling Princess & The Baby that we have to hurry up cause we are running late. So I go in Princesses room after about 20 minutes, and instead of getting dressed she is in there on the floor sorting through her dresser to find an appropiate outfit for tommorow since they are having dress down day. Now I don't understand what part about "WE ARE RUNNING LATE" she didn't understand. I says to her why are you doing this now, you can take care of this later in the evening. Needless to say she walked out the door with her lips poked out like she does most mornings cause I ruined her day.


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