

Summer Camp!

Summer Camp!

Whatever happened to the traditional theme of summer, where your kids are shipped to grandma and grandpas house until at least Labor Day. Well I’ll tell you what happened, some genius camp up with the idea of summer camp. A place where your kids go Monday thru Friday to play, swim, or create arts & crafts for about half of your mortgage payment per week, per kid! There are all types of camps too, sports, dance, art, music etc.. you name it they have a camp for it.

Ideally you should start to look for and research camps between January-April, with a selection being made by no later than mid-June. Places to start:

a. Recreation Center
b. YMCA/Jewish Community Centers
c. Churches
d. Community Colleges

Things to look for:

a. Price/ Hours of operation
b. Distance from home/work
c. Activities offered
d. Scholarships
e. Sibling discounts

During the registration process inquire about their vacation policy. Some camps might offer a discount or even a freebie if a child does not attend at least three more days, due to vacation.

For children 13 and over, some camps offer junior counselor opportunities, and they may provide free lunch or even a small weekly stipend.

At last let’s not forget the stay-at-home mom’s who choose to keep their kids home with them during the day. Various parent/kid friendly websites offer crafty ideas on how to keep kids busy at home.



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